Monday, May 12, 2014

If You Can Believe It...

I actually did not run over the weekend.  Yup, you read that right.  No running for me on Saturday and Sunday!

Sunday's always a rest day, but Saturday never is.  However, after my three days in a row of running, the thought of having a fourth day made me question if that was a good idea.  Being this close to the race and risking something dumb happening (like another stress fracture) is really stupid.  As I've said in a past post, my muscles & bones really do like (and need) rest days, so I took 2 of 'em!

My original plan was to be up at 5, have my hour of "get ready" time, and then start my run by 6.  If you've noticed the time stamp on this post, it's already after 6.  Needless to say, I did not get up at 5.  To be honest, I really didn't want to roll out of bed at 6 either.  However, if I didn't get up then, I would've been getting up at about 7, and that would mean my run wouldn't start until 8.  The sun's already pretty high at 8, and if I really do want a long-ish run today, starting at 8 is not really the best idea.

So last Monday, if I was not in St. Louis, would've been 18 miles.  Today will not (well, probably will not) be 18 miles.  Why?  When training for an event like a half or full marathon, in the 2-3 weeks leading up to the race, runners taper their mileage.  Now, if you know me, you probably know that balls-to-the-wall is more my style than tapering.  However, I followed Bryan Graham's training plan for my half marathon, and it included 3 weeks of tapering.  His plan worked really well for me, so while I wouldn't say I like tapering, I certainly do "get it."  Dave and I were talking last night about how many miles I should do today, and his first suggestion was, "Call Bryan."  Yeah, Dave knows that I need to be reined back in on plenty of occasions!

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