Friday, May 24, 2013

It's been almost a week

I looked at the clock this morning, and it said 7:06. Freaky! How could it be the exact minute that I was pulling out of the driveway one week ago to start my Keys100 adventure?

This has been my post-race week (without being long-winded).

Monday: Sore! Like "sore" as in hard to sit down or stand up without falling into a chair or pulling myself up with my arms. Still was able to get 45 minutes done on the elliptical.

Tuesday: Still sore...but not as bad. I didn't look like a 95 year old person when trying to sit or stand. (It's improvement in baby steps, people! I'll take it where I can get it.) Got 50 minutes done on the elliptical.

Wednesday: Thought I was totally recovered, so I did the "fun run" in Stuart with some of the Sailfish Striders. At about mile 3, my legs started telling me that this wasn't fun any more. Of course, my brain told my legs to keep quiet and keep moving! Ended up getting in 5.9 miles and the end had a great, fast pace thanks to coming down the backside of the Ocean Ave bridge. Thanks, Steve & Juan, for being my running partners that night!

Thursday: Did my regular Thursday night routine: group run with the Team Essen folks in Palm City. Legs still felt a bit mushy, but I survived. The last two days made me realize that I think I do need another "rest day" (which I really don't like).

Friday: Today's going to be a "me day." We all need that every so often! My "me day" is kicking off now with a pedicure.  The only way it could be better is if I had a glass of wine with me. But then I guess I'd be forced to choose between blogging & drinking the wine. Take one guess what would win out?! :-)

I'll be honest: it's weird not having anything to train for right now.  I've got a 5k on Monday (Run for the Pineapple in Sewall's Point) and another one July 4th (Team Essen Dash & Blast in Palm City).  Maybe instead of thinking "oh, it's a 5k, and I can do that in my sleep," I should focus on speed work & train to get faster.  Would love to get my 5k time down closer to the 23 minute mark!

Julio asked me today if I'd being doing the relay race again soon.  Doing it again: absolutely!  Doing it soon: unfortunately not.  Race season seems to be winding down.  Gotta be due to the heat.  Come on, runners, if you can race now, you'll really, really be able to run when the cooler weather gets here in the fall! 

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