Saturday, May 16, 2015

Funny (and Not So Funny) Story

Earlier in the day, I said to my team, "if you get to an exchange and don't see anyone, just keep going."  Well, I get started with my 2.1 mile run, so I'm bookin' it because I have only 2.1 miles to do.  In fact, my first two miles were at 7:36 and 7:35 (respectively).  Of course, I did that thinking I'd be handing the slap bracelet off at the exchange.  Well, I get there, and no one from my team is there; I threw the crowd there a very clear "WTF?!" look.  I knew my team had passed me earlier because they honked as they went by, and I even waved!  So at the exchange point, when I knew for sure they weren't there waiting for me, I followed my own rule to keep going.  FML!  Well, long story short, I kept running but had to (obviously) slow down.  At one point, I walked so I can take my arm band off of my arm to text my team and say "Where are you?!"  LOL!  I kept running (slowly) and just kept going.  A bit later on, I texted another team member to say "Where are you? I kept going!"  Renee wrote back, "We're coming to get you!"

I essentially did all of my leg and pretty much most of Renee's!  The team does get major credit for hauling ass to find me & pull over as soon as they saw me!

So what happened?  They saw me and turned down a side street to park.  They did everything right.  However, they just didn't get to the exchange point as quickly as I got there.  In fact, when they got there, the small crowd asked, "Are you with the girl in the pink shirt?"  When my team said, "Yes," the crowd said, "Well, she kept going!"  LOL!!!! 

So how did I do?  Well, I didn't keep my under 8 minute average pace, but (all things considered) that's understandable.  Actually, factoring in the walking, I really didn't have a horrible pace.

8:02...I'll take it!  The walking killed my pace, but I couldn't run & text!

1 comment:

  1. So in my mind, when you were running, you kept your under 8.0 pace. Just not when you were WALKING!
